The social media platform has significantly gained popularity. It is a unique app that uses only audio to interact with others. If you have been using Clubhouse, you may have taken a few screenshots and screen recorded, and you may be wondering if it notifies the room hosts that you have taken a screenshot or screen recorded the audio. 


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Do People Get Notification When You Screenshot and Screen Record?

No! If you take a screen or screen record on Clubhouse, no one will get a notification. However, when you use a screen recorder, Clubhouse will detect that you are recording the screen. You will also get a red alert in the room.

But you might have seen all over the internet that people share audio clips and screenshots of Clubhouse rooms. If you want to learn how to record audio, here’s how you can do it.

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Check out the top 20 social media sites to grow your business and to help you promote your Clubhouse account. 

Can We Record Audio On Clubhouse?

Yes, it is possible to record audio on Clubhouse, and you can either use voice memos or use your screen recorder.

Recording Audio via Voice Memos

One of the easiest ways on iOS to record Clubhouse audio is using voice memos. This is a foolproof way. No one will notice that you have recorded the audio, and you will not have to take prior permission from a moderator to record audio. 

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Voice memo is the in-built voice recorder on your iPhone. When you record, you will not get a high quality, but you will be able to manage.

See also  Is Clubhouse Free?: Making The Most Of The App

Here’s how you can make a Twitter business account to expand the visibility of your Clubhouse account. 

Step 1: Launch the Clubhouse app on your phone.

Step 2: Join your desired room.

Step 3: Open the Voice Memo app on your other phone or MacBook.

Step 4: Tap the record button, and you can start recording the audio.

Step 5: When you are done recording, stop the recording.

You can access the recorded file in the Voice Memo app. 

Recording Audio via Screen Recorder

You can also use your in-built screen recorder to capture the audio from Clubhouse. Later you can convert the video to audio. 

Step 1: Launch Clubhouse on your phone and join a room of your choice.

Step 2: Swipe down to open the control center and tap the Screen recorder.

Step 3: The screen recorder will capture the screen, including the audio.

Step 4: You can stop the recording after you are done recording.

However, when you use the Screen recorder, you will receive a message from Clubhouse that you violate their guidelines.

You will be able to access the fill-in your Photos app.

In case you do not see the screen recorder on your control center, you can manually add it. But please note that you need to have one of the latest iPhones to use this feature, and the screen recorder is not available in old versions.

Add your Clubhouse account’s link to your Instagram to funnel followers. 

Step 1: Open your phone’s settings.

Step 2: Select Control Center.

Step 3: Look for the Screen Recorder and tap the + icon in front of the Screen Recorder.

This will add the Screen recorder to your control center, and you will be able to access it.

Many Clubhouse users use Instagram to promote themselves. Click here to learn more about Instagram promotions.

Recording Audio via Third-Party Application

If you use an older phone and don’t have the screen recording feature, you can always use a third-party app. 

There are various apps that you can download and install from the app store, such as: 

  • Screen Recorder+
  • Record It- Screen Recorder
  • Go Record: Screen Recorder

All of these applications are free to download.

Using a Dedicated Audio Recorder

The latest iPhones do not have a 3.5mm audio jack, but you can use a dongle to connect an audio device to your phone. This will help you to record the audio with ease.

Followers can benefit in various ways. If you are looking to increase your Clubhouse followers, check us out.

Does Clubhouse Record Your Conversation?

Yes! Clubhouse does record your room audio. This might sound like the app is violating your privacy. But this is not done to spy on your activity or get your sensitive information. 

The platform records audio of all the rooms to review if anyone is breaking the rules, and if someone reports a room for various reasons, they have to review it first before punishing the user.

Your conversations will be deleted immediately after they are done reviewing it or if there is no report. 

Share your Instagram profile to increase your Clubhouse account’s reach. Here’s how Instagram sharing works.

Wrapping Up

Taking a screenshot of Clubhouse doesn’t break any community guidelines. However, if you are capturing the audio, you might get punished. 

See also  Why Clubhouse Will Fail To Scale: The Reasons Behind

But as we have mentioned in this article, Clubhouse doesn’t seem to be serious about it. You can find many people sharing audio and screen-recorded videos of the app, and this means that you can still record them.

We have mentioned various ways that will help you to record Clubhouse audio. Have a great and fun experience on Clubhouse.
