See Instagram Expectation vs Reality below.


Needless to say, Instagram is the biggest social media platform that’s continually growing ever since its launch. It’s appropriate to claim that Instagram isn’t any longer a parochial application but has successfully emerged as a global network, putting some of its competitors to sleep. It has reached skyrocketing engagement levels. Instagram has seen innumerable trends coming and going out of demand. We have mentioned some of the major Instagram expectation vs reality trends that are prominent. See Instagram Expectation vs Reality below.

Instagram expectation vs reality

Currently, Instagram trends are all about creativity, influencers, shopping, stories, visual effects, and authenticity. No matter if you already have built a huge fan base on Instagram or are slowly building your presence, keeping these trends in mind and strategizing accordingly is essential to keep up with the competition. To help you plan a strong, effective Instagram growth strategy, we have mentioned some prominent Instagram growth trends that you can exploit. 

If you are a content creator having less than 10,000 followers on Instagram, you are expected to have a small but dense community of followers. Such Instagram users are called micro-influencers. 

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With every inspirational story coming to the surface and true-to-life events getting in the limelight, influencers are motivating and keeping up the high spirits of followers. Unlike celebrities who are rarely available for a thorough live conversation, the influencers are always open for a 24*7 discussion. They are more accessible than celebrities. Thus, micro-influencers are enabling people to build a vital community on Instagram. 

Instagram TV would get buffed 

Instagram IGTV feature is the most talked-about update about Instagram so far. No more is it news. With hundreds of Instagram users accessing the IGTV feature of Instagram, it can be considered to be a popular advertising channel. It cannot be denied that Instagram IGTV comes with immense potential. 

Instagram expectation vs reality

Currently, users can only explore or stream IGTV content on Instagram either by visiting the profiles manually or by browsing through the IGTV’s personalised suggestions. Soon, Instagram is going to launch the IGTV channel subscription, which is sure to be appealing to one and all. 

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You must be well aware of the newly introduced insights feature of Instagram. Recently, it has also released a slew of data reports that one can access from the insights feature. For advertising brands or content creators, this feature would facilitate their growth. 

Improved analytic tools to know Instagram expectation vs reality

In this regard, one must know that the insights feature is newly introduced and hence there’s enough scope for further enhancements. We might expect Instagram to come up with more additions to this insights feature in the next update. In 2021, we expect Instagram to focus more on growing data analytic tools to know more of Instagram expectation vs reality.

There would be increased awareness about fake followers 

You must know that one can judge the true potential of a content creator to some extent by seeing the community of followers he/ she has. When brands hire content creators on Instagram, they consider this key factor above everything else. We have seen users who were bent on gaining a fast community of followers have ended up with fake followers on Instagram. These fake communities are causing brands to lose interest and money in influencer marketing. 

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Hence, authenticity is now a significant trend on social media. You have no option but to show your real, vulnerable side to businesses and brands. 

Instagram would become a home for new brands 

We have seen brands rising on Instagram more than anywhere else. Instagram is now a global platform that gives a fair opportunity to brands to showcase their talents and gain global recognition. According to the latest reports, about 50% of Instagram users have business accounts. Instagram takes every measure to embrace advertisements. Brand popularity is expected to rise by 2022. 

These are some of the major trends that Instagram is going to experience in the next few years. We hope we have brought out the differences between Instagram expectation vs reality. Who knows, might be in the next few years, we would talk about micro-trends that would introduce new features and lead to rebranding!

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