Quora is a reliable platform on which people share their opinions on any matter and you can see the hobbies and job titles of commentators. This also provides an extra sense for the security that your platforms are solved by some other person who is a part of the business for a long time or has an interest in that topic. You must be wondering how reliable the safety aspect of Quora is. 


It is a safe platform to use until you are not going the wrong way. There are a lot of features you can get on Quora. People of all age groups including children can make use of this platform for getting knowledge about new things, interacting with new people and a lot more. 

is Quora Safe

Quora is completely safe but only if you use it sensibly. There are a lot of scammers on this platform too. You shouldn’t respond to people who are traders of currency or to unknown people who send you personal messages. If you give a reply to messages you get from strangers, there are high chances that you might be drawn into a scam. Don’t agree to meet a stranger who contacts you on Quora and don’t take their profiles at their face value since they can be faked easily. 

What is Quora used for? 

Quora is a website that is all about questions and answers and it allows people to ask the questions and other people who are properly known on a particular topic. There are a lot more uses you can put this platform to. It has nearly 100 million visitors monthly, you can get many insights on Quora and also view your opinions differently. You can ask the simplest of questions and get different answers to know which option is reliable. This way, you can select the most suitable answer and apply it in real life. To know is Quora safe for kids, read below. 

Is Quora safe for kids?

As per the terms of service on this platform, a child should be a minimum of 13 years old for using Quora. This means that it can be accessed by teenagers who haven’t become an adult as of now. Quora is as secure as many other social media sites across the internet. Quora website is guarded again hackers and threats. The content featured on this website is checked by the moderators for the removal of abusive and sensitive content. You can do a lot with several questions daily and just a few modded versions. 

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As everyone can use this platform, some people will always try to avail information from you such as IP address, email id, bank account, passwords and other documents. These people are referred to as scammers who will make attempts to convince you that they belong to a big organization and ask you to pay for something that you haven’t done. No matter what your age is, you need to be informed about these scammers and never provide any kind of personal details to any user on this platform. 

is Quora Safe

In case, your child is insisting to use Quora, you should check for scammer messages constantly. You should also look for strangers and block unknown accounts to ensure the safety of your kids. Follow all the educational or informational topics which are appropriate to your age group. Make your profile private so that it isn’t accessible to anyone at random. Also, make sure to keep reminding your kids that the information you enter is not always true. If you follow these measures, Quora will completely be safe for your kids. 

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When can Quora be unsafe?

Safety is the most important factor people look for when choosing a social media platform. With the increase in cybercrimes, safety has undeniably become one of the most crucial things to consider. Using Quora can be unsafe for you when: 

  • Too much information is added: You shouldn’t add too many details like maiden names, family names and your address on Quora. This can make it easy for you to identify the scammers. So many details can be quite dangerous. 
  • Sharing pictures of valuables: People shouldn’t share pictures of their valuable acquisitions like antiques, jewellery, etc. It can be easy for other people to find them out and steal them. They may even meet you as a friend and get more information. When you share too much information about yourself, thieves and scammers will get your information and use it for wrong intentions.

It is not as bad as the rest of the social media platforms. However, if you perform wrong actions, you can be at risk. Everything on the Internet is not safe and people come across so many inappropriate posts, messages, etc. on Quora. Some people even get cheated on Quora whereas; some people also use this platform as bait for trapping people.

There are a few easy solutions by which you can keep yourself on Quora: 

  • You can change the settings to control who can send you messages personally. 
  • You can use the report and block option for accounts that are offensive or can threaten you in some way or the other.
  • You are not supposed to share a lot of personal information here, because similar to other social networking platforms, there are unknown people here as well. 
  • You shouldn’t trust anyone on this platform. 
  • Remain unbothered to negative comments until it is something very important or related to your field of interest. 

This was all that can answer is Quora free and safe for you. You should follow the above-mentioned measures to make sure that you are safe on this platform. If your child is using Quora, you may look up the proper safety measures to keep your child safe from unwanted and inappropriate content featured on Quora. 

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