The number of users on Facebook is increasing daily and so are the likes on every post. Sometimes, you might want to know how to remove likes from Facebook, when you decide to delete any post. Facebook has been active for more than a decade now. With time, it is growing even bigger. Facebook is used as a medium to express your thoughts, opinions, or any other emotion through posts. And, in return, you are showered with lots of comments and likes from your friends and family members who use Facebook.


When you use Facebook, you search many pages and profiles. There are many pages that you have liked over time. In addition to the likes, you might also have reacted on various pages and posts. If you want to remove all the likes that you have made till now, you have come to the right place. In this article, you are going to discover how to remove likes from Facebook.

how to remove likes from Facebook

Liking many pages can fill your news feed with some unwanted posts. So, to get rid of unwanted posts, you have to know how to remove likes from Facebook. There are many ways through which you can easily remove the likes and reactions.

If you use Facebook on the laptop, you don’t have to worry as we will tell you the ways to remove likes through laptops as well as mobile phones.

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How To Remove Likes From Facebook On Laptop (Web)

If you are using a laptop to surf through Facebook, you need to follow the steps given below to remove the likes from Facebook.

  1. First, open Facebook and enter your login details to get started.
  2. Once you log in to your Facebook account, you have to click on the icon that is present at the top corner on the right side of the home page screen.
  3. Next, when you click on the drop-down menu icon, you see the option of settings and privacy.
  4. Click on that option then, select the activity log option from the setting and privacy window.
  5. When the activity log section is opened, see the left side and select the filter option.
  6. Then, you have to click on the likes and reaction option and then save the changes.
  7. You will see that all the posts that you have liked till now will be displayed in chronological order and will also be grouped according to the year on the left column.
  8. Now, you need to remove the likes and reactions by hovering on the posts you have liked. When you do that, you find two options that are unlike or remove reaction.
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The above-mentioned steps will work for the posts. If you want to remove likes from pages, click on the more option that is present below your cover photo. Click on the like option, this will show you all the pages you have liked. Then, click on it to get the “unlike” option. Once you get the unlike option, click on it to “unlike” the page.

How To Remove Likes From Facebook On Smartphone?

how to remove likes from Facebook

To remove reactions through the smartphone, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Open Facebook and click on the menu option on the phone. 
  2. Click on settings from setting and privacy option. 
  3. Click on the activity log and select the likes and reaction category.
  4. For unliking the posts, open the menu of the posts and unlike them.

Removing the likes from pages will help you in getting rid of unwanted posts. 

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Nobody wants to get fewer likes on their posts. Using organic means to get more likes can sometimes limit the growth of your page. To get instant access to more likes on your Facebook posts, check out the various Facebook service packages available online.
