It’s very natural to feel the urge of wanting to remove people from the list of your followers. The reasons could be many, or maybe you don’t really engage with that account anymore.


Fortunately, there are simple and easy methods through which you can efficiently get rid of anyone you wish to. To remove, you won’t require anyone else to take the initiative to block you or delete their accounts. Thus, to learn the skill, continue reading our article on how to remove a follower on Instagram.

Simple Steps to Remove Followers on Instagram

To remove an account means getting rid of them for good. You’re cutting off all ties and bidding your farewell to such accounts. If yours is a “Private Account,” then the accounts you removed can no longer access your content.

Neither can they access anything you post or share. But if your account in public, then everything remains the same, just that they won’t see any post notifications.

With all that in mind, the following are a few quick and easy steps on how to remove a follower on Instagram.

Step 1: Go ahead and run the Instagram application on your phone.

Step 2: Head over to the bottom right of your screen. There you’ll see your display picture. Tap on that.

Step 3: In your account profile section, tap on the “Followers.” It’ll be between “Posts” and “Following.”

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Step 4: As the list of your followers pops up, you can choose to scroll through the accounts. The other choice is to simply search for the user/users on the “Search followers” bar.

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