LinkedIn is a social network platform which gives services to students and job seekers to develop their career. It also focuses on professional networking from employers who want to post their job positions. This article contains the information about how to announce your new job on LinkedIn.


  • Emon Anam

    Introducing Emon, the social media maestro at Galaxy Marketing. With a touch of magic and strategic prowess, Emon transforms brands into digital supernovas. In the vast galaxy of social media, Emon is your guide to interstellar success. 🌌🚀 #GalaxyMarketingPro

¿Cómo anunciar tu nuevo trabajo en LinkedIn?

Los empresarios pueden publicar sobre puestos de trabajo y prácticas en el portal de empleo. Si tienes alguna duda sobre cómo anunciar tu nuevo empleo en la plataforma LinkedIn, aquí podemos ayudarte. Tienes que crear tu propio perfil personal de LinkedIn, en nuestra plataforma social.

Informe en voz alta

You have to prepare your resume and post it on our LinkedIn. Now, you can search for jobs in the job portal and apply for them. To enhance your resume and reputation, you must keep posting updates. Do mention your skills and extracurricular activities that will increase your chances of getting hired.

cómo anunciar tu nuevo trabajo en LinkedIn
Cómo anunciar tu nuevo trabajo en Linkedin Podium 16

Changing jobs and finding your dream job is a blessing. You will be excited to work on your new role. It will be a series of new moments, environment, and workplace, and you’ll join a new team. But, for your friends, family, your loved ones you need to let them know your job role.

Apart from them, you need to tell the other people on social media and your LinkedIn profile as well. To let them know about your new job, you have to learn how to announce your new job on the LinkedIn social network platform.

It will also reflect your honor and responsibility towards your former colleagues and the company.

Si tienes dificultades para anunciar la noticia, puedes seguir los pasos que se indican a continuación.

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Pasos para anunciar la noticia

  • Tienes que cambiar todos tus perfiles
  • Rinde respeto y homenaje a tu jefe, compañeros, directivos
  • Déjales una nota de agradecimiento
  • Puedes publicar un post en tu perfil
  • Expresa tus sentimientos

These can help you learn how to announce your new job on LinkedIn’s social network site.

Do not take any step before you are confirmed about your new job position. After your plans are definitive, you can announce your new job on LinkedIn.

First, let your boss know that you are leaving the company and thank her for all the skills and knowledge you got with the firm.

Luego, puedes comunicárselo a tus jefes y compañeros.

Thank them for all their support, and be kind enough to let them know you will be in contact with them. Leave them in a positive light.

De este modo, puedes dar una buena imagen de que te vas en buenos términos. Agradéceles que te ayuden con trabajos profesionales y que te echen una mano para dar brillo a tu carrera. Intenta reflejar bien tu personalidad y lo que has aprendido de ellos.

¿Sabes cómo anunciar tu nuevo trabajo en LinkedIn?

cómo anunciar tu nuevo trabajo en LinkedIn
Cómo anunciar tu nuevo trabajo en Linkedin Podium 17

Tu puesto debe llevar la visión de ti y de tu papel en la antigua empresa. Al final, puedes expresar tus sentimientos y tu entusiasmo por tu nuevo trabajo. Se tratará de tus planes para el nuevo capítulo de tu vida. Intenta hablar un poco de tu carrera y de lo orgulloso que estás de alcanzar este puesto.

Galaxy Marketing is a web page that gives importance to the users of LinkedIn. If you join a social media platform, you will find the competition very high. Your range may increase from applying for jobs to being an influence on marketers. 

You may increase your followers and likes through global marketing, a Global web page for a professional career. Do take help from a popular  website where you can buy followers and likes at affordable prices. They have different packages with prices for the number of followers and likes you would want to buy. Growing your social media presence is getting easier every day.


READ  La guía definitiva para el marketing en Linkedin