
Many people would scoff at the idea of purchasing likes or followers, especially in the days where influencers work so hard to create content and promote their work. These days, it is better to slowly grow your following and take small steps to achieve the fan base you want. However, those who are choosing the best sites to buy YouTube views from might be taking the necessary steps in building a better brand; doing so would place their products and services in front of a large audience and build community engagement at a relatively low cost.


Why Should You Buy YouTube Views?

The Best Sites to Buy YouTube Views
The Best Sites to Buy YouTube Views 21

Buying views and likes on social media might seem incredibly counter intuitive and some might understandably shy away from the idea of it – the concept has been given quite a bad name in popular culture. However, there might be more intelligence to this strategy than one thinks. There are times when purchasing some followers down the road might have proved to be more helpful than roughing it out and waiting for the blog to pick up. All it takes is an understanding of YouTube’s algorithm and the skills to build a comprehensive strategy to tap into the market that is readily available there.

If one grows their account at a slow and steady pace and the number of followers and subscribers increase little by little, then the increase in number will seem organic and YouTube will promote the content.

Important Metrics to Consider

Many times, we have heard that one of the easiest ways to spot fake followers on social media apps is to compare the number of followers with the amount of engagement received by each post. However, there is no reason to worry about inactive members or putting up too many new videos, because YouTube simply does not take these things into consideration.


The most important metric on YouTube, by far, is the number of views on your videos. This number shows potential viewers the worth of your videos. Most people follow YouTube channels that have thousands of subscribers, if not millions. If they come across a new YouTube channel and see that it’s videos only have a couple of views, they will choose not to even watch the video, let alone subscribe to the channel.

2. Watch Time

One important thing to consider is the watch time and YouTube explained the significance of this particular metric by stating that if a person watches your video longer than 60 seconds, then it must have some reliable and engaging content. Therefore, one must ensure that the first 60 seconds are engaging and create some element of suspense or excitement in order to convince viewers to keep watching, thereby promoting their video within YouTube’s algorithm.

3. Engagement

Another important metric that YouTube takes into consideration is the engagement on each video. This includes sharing, liking or disliking, and commenting on a specific video on the platform. YouTube’s algorithm uses the number of likes and comments to gauge whether the content is appealing, and then boosts a video on their platform.

The Best Sites to Buy YouTube Views: Top 5 Picks

There are many websites that offer different services, from social media marketing agencies to growth platforms. However, it is important to select the correct company to engage with, and even more imperative to ensure that they understand the algorithm of each social media platform they engage with. This is to ensure that the views look organic, otherwise there is a danger that YouTube might blacklist your account for fraudulent activity.

The Best Sites to Buy YouTube Views 22

Galaxy Marketing is an agency that is dedicated to social media growth, and it offers a range of exciting services to its clients. The company offers to increase the viewer count of their client’s videos in a matter of hours at most. The process can take multiple days for videos that require more likes.

Another great thing about Galaxy Marketing is that they also offer the option of purchasing likes and comments, thereby allowing their clients to increase their engagement and take advantage of YouTube’s algorithm to get their content in front of more people.

The company focuses on many different social media platforms that are considered widely popular in this day and age, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Quora. In addition to this, they also offer growth on Tik Tok, Pinterest, Tumblr and Reddit.


Famouz is another incredible social media engagement company that is invested in increasing its clients’ growth on various social media platforms in order to promote their businesses. In addition, Famouz is also cognizant of the fact that multiple social media sites have different algorithms, and each one must be catered to and understood with great care to come up with the best product for their audience. For this reason, the company also offers both likes and comments on selected posts and videos, as they understand that engagement also matters.

The best thing about Famouz is that it provides packages for purchasing likes on many different platforms, including Twitch, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook. The company offers their clients a wide variety of services to choose from, as they know that social media is a necessity in today’s online world.

The Best Sites to Buy YouTube Views 23

Adfluencer takes a slightly different approach and targets influencers in order to make a social media marketing strategy and place your brand in the public eye. Rather than simply relying on buying views for your own YouTube channel’s music videos, Adfluencer sets up an account with a social media influencer within a certain platform and uses that influencer’s audience to generate some public interest for your products. Once that interest has been established, the influencer then links their various social media platforms to their Adfluencer account, and you can easily buy shout-outs so that your brand is marketed to the public with much greater efficiency.

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Some social media marketing sites take a different route to promising some guaranteed growth in their respective social media accounts. The company offers very appealing packages for those interested in generating an interested audience on YouTube, and even targets popular influencers on Instagram and Twitter.


LynkHero boasts an impressive plethora of services to its clients and places itself in the middle as a social media marketing agency. They are equipped to help their clients grow their various social media accounts in order to boost engagement and ensure that their products and services gain more visibility. The company has a range of services to choose from and offers views, likes, followers, comments and page likes in order to boost community engagement and encourage people to subscribe to their channel.

Like other social media growth agencies in the current marketplace, LynkHero offers its services across a number of social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch and many more. The company even offers these services to sites like TikTok, Vimeo, Periscope and Soundcloud, thereby showcasing how invested they are in promoting social media content across a wide range of platforms.

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Influmos is another such social media growth organization that is dedicated to making a definitive increase in their customer’s various social media accounts’ reach. The organization offers their services on different social medial platforms; they explain that boosts in engagement, when coupled with a simple purchase of getting some likes or comments, can effectively generate new leads and create a reliable customer pool.

After the initial purchase of YouTube views, the company also offers this social media growth package across other platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. These are some of the most widely used social media platforms today and, for that reason, Influmos has deliberately targeted them specifically. Thus, they are ensuring that they cover more ground by understanding the algorithm of each specific platform.


The sheer amount of users on the website means that it is a great place to generate leads and create a solid client pool for your products, as well as create a community that could support your brand. However, there are already many established YouTube accounts that are promoting their content and they have had many years to create a fan base that is difficult to compete with. You can still slowly work towards making a dent in the social media world by employing any of the companies we have mentioned above.

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Small business and startups can easily look for the best sites to buy YouTube views in the beginning of their journey, in order to build up a fan following and get their content in front of more users. This gives them a greater opportunity to push their videos to a wider audience and increases the likelihood of attaining subscribers. Alternatively, one can also purchase some likes and comments to boost engagements on their videos.
