How to Block Ads on Twitch? (Simple Guide) | InstaFollowers
Twitch AdBlock - Here's a deep dive 8

Twitch is widely recognized as the premier platform in the game streaming and viewership space and it has beat competition from other giants of the industry such as YouTube Gaming to command an impressive 2.9 million active users on the platform at any given time. Twitch’s booming popularity has brought with it an opportunity for corporations to aggressively market their products on the platform, sometimes annoyingly so.


  • Patrick Helms

    Patrick is our social media superstar. He worked for Fortune 500 companies before joining us a a senior account manager.

Twitch now witnesses virtual battles not only in the gaming content that is streamed on it but also in the advertisement space, with companies jousting to create maximum visibility. This has drawn flak from members of the Twitch community, with many claiming that the growing trend of streams being flooded with ads is digressive from the platform’s original ethos; uniting gamers and helping them share their experiences with a like-minded community through online streaming of entertainment content.

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So, what can the Twitch community do? Submit to the tyranny of the large corporations and meekly allow themselves to be bombarded with distracting advertisements while engaging in what they enjoy doing most? If you’re even remotely familiar with Twitch, you already know that a community that relentlessly plays games where underdogs unite to form clans and overthrow tyrants on the daily will not go down without putting up a fight!

Twitch is running a PSA for people using ad-blockers on the site, and  nobody's happy - The Verge
Twitch AdBlock - Here's a deep dive 9

There are AdBlock options available online that can be used to circumvent the issue of advertisement bombardment. In this article, we mention a few of the most popular and effective ones so that you can enjoy an ad-free Twitch experience!

UBlock Origin:

For the longest time, UBlock Origin has served as a faithful servant for individuals looking for respite from the scourge of advertisements on the internet. It is a free-to-use extension that works on all major browsers with high efficacy, even if Twitch has worked its way around UBlock’s capabilities recently. While UBlock has struggled in recent times to block ads on Twitch, we provide a guaranteed way to use UBlock such that viewing game streams becomes a distraction-free experience once again!

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To use UBlock Origin as Twitch Adblock:

  1. Open UBlock and go to the ‘Settings’ tab.
  2. Activate the ‘Advanced Options’ and click on a symbol resembling 3 cogwheels right next to it.
  3. Scroll down to find the ‘User Resource Location’ option. Here, you can add external resources and scripts to UBlock which will run as you subsequently browse and block targeted ads on specific platforms. The platform on which the script will help UBlock limit ads depends on the type of script uploaded.
  4. To block ads on Twitch, upload the required script by pasting the URL: the ‘User Resource Location’ page.
  5. Click on the ‘Apply Changes’ option and exit the tab.
  6. Now, navigate to the ‘Filter List’ tab and click on the ‘Purge all Caches’ option.
  7. Finally, click on the ‘Update Now’ button. You should wait while the changes get updated.
  8. Close your browser and restart it to begin viewing videos on Twitch without having to deal with irritating ads!
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TTV Extension – An effective Twitch adblock

Another great Twitch AdBlock option is using custom AdBlock extensions such as TTV to supplement UBlock. This ‘reinforces’ the AdBlock capabilities (two is better than one) to effectively deal with irritating ads interrupting the stream viewing experience on Twitch. Simply add the extension to Chrome (or any other browser of your preference) and you’re ready to go! Or should we say, ggez?


Are the issues still persisting? Don’t worry! A last-ditch, quick-fix option to address it is by using an embedded player such as Copy the URL of the stream that you are viewing (for example Then, simply add an ‘Is’ to the end of ‘twitch’. The new URL should look like this: Copy and paste this link into a new tab in your browser. Now, you should be able to watch the stream without any annoying advertisements! Doing this loads the stream into an external stream player. Now, you can view the original dream player (twitch) with any advertisements.

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In the days to come, the wily execs at Twitch might devise improved ways to force ads down our throats. But, we’ll be here with new and improved strategies to ensure that YOUR streaming experience remains, well, streamlined. Hehe, see what we did there?

So, you learned the best practices for twitch adblocks. Now, what about growing your followers on Twitch? Click here and let us assist you!


  • Patrick Helms

    Patrick is our social media superstar. He worked for Fortune 500 companies before joining us a a senior account manager.