If you are reading this article, it is mainly because your Instagram account has been blocked. You are probably looking for the right tips and tricks on how to remove action block on Instagram fast. If yes, you will glad to know that you have made it to the right source indeed.


how to remove action block on Instagram
How to Remove Action Block on Instagram? 11

Instagram isn’t just popular but it is also one of the most loved social media applications in history. The safe and secure social media platform takes its set guidelines pretty seriously. To stay on Instagram, users must follow all these guidelines with utmost care if they wish to become permanent members of the Instagram community. But there are a lot of people who still get blocked by Instagram because they won’t follow the rules just right.

So, this leads people who have got action blocked on Instagram to search for alternative ways on how to remove action block on Instagram.

The easiest way to remove an action block on Instagram is by not using the app for an extended period. The next step is to get rid of all automation services. Why? Because Instagram keeps track of all your daily whereabouts and engagement with the app. Finally, make some extra effort by writing to the Instagram help center. Their team will look into the matter to check if you have been actively blocked on Instagram for a legitimate reason or not. Using these tips will surely help you remove action blocks on Instagram faster.

how to remove action block on Instagram
How to Remove Action Block on Instagram? 12

An action block is used to punish those Instagram users who violate their set guidelines. During this phase, the Instagram user won’t be able to do stuff such as like, comment, or follow users on Instagram. 

Why does Instagram action block you?

Instagram will action block you for the following reasons:

  • Suspected Automation of Your Instagram Account
  • Logging In From Separate Devices and IP Addresses
  • Instagram User Complaints
  • Spam DMs and Comments
  • Posting Inappropriate Content
  • Copyright Infringement
  • Putting Several Hashtags in Caption
  • Excessive Instagram Posts 
  • Less Activity and More Actions

Now, let’s find out about the alternative ways on 

">how to remove action block on Instagram.

What are the best tips to remove action block on Instagram?

how to remove action block on Instagram
How to Remove Action Block on Instagram? 13
  • Use Another Device and Personal Data: Instagram can possibly block your device as well as your IP Address, but not your Instagram account. The best solution is to use another device and switch to your internet data instead of WI-FI.
  • Uninstall Any Third-Party Apps: Stop using any third-party apps and immediately uninstall them. These apps abuse Instagram’s app features. This is mainly why Instagram blocks any account that is related to such third-party apps.
  • Link Your Instagram Account to Facebook: If you wish to remove your Instagram action block in less than 24 hours, link your Instagram account with Facebook. Just go in the app settings and click on the right option. This option will help you link your Instagram to other social media networks such as Facebook.
  • Don’t Use Instagram for At Least 48 Hours: It is logical to keep in mind if Instagram has action blocked you, its system is going to stay like that for a while. So, it is best to take a little break from using Instagram for at least 48 hours. After that, if you are a clean chit, you will easily gain all the access back.
  • Honestly Report Instagram: If you feel you have been action blocked incorrectly, stand up for yourself. You can go ahead to honestly report Instagram. A support agent will then immediately get in touch with you. He will also unblock you immediately.
  • Delete All Hashtags: Don’t use any kind of banned hashtags to save yourself from the pain of getting action blocked on Instagram. Remove such hashtags to steer clear. Prefer using different but acceptable hashtags only.
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