Instagram is a big thirst trap for sure. As in, the increasing numbers of followers and the showers of likes you get by posting a glorious selfie are just irresistible. Who on this earth would want to miss the demand, right? Instagram has the potential to attract more thirsty matches through DM (Direct Messaging) and private story features. Let’s check How to flirt on Instagram.


How to flirt on Instagram

However, you should know How to flirt on Instagram with someone in a way so that you sound irresistible and not creepy. It can be a long game until it is respectful and decent. Few likes and well-timed comments with a message with a hint on their private story can start the magic.

Basics on how to flirt on Instagram like an absolute player?

Knowing the basics of flirting on Instagram confirms that you are not going to annoy anyone you intend to talk to. Here are some basic tips for Instagram flirting only the pro does. The tips are:

Take advantage of Instagram story replies

You must be aware of the fact that replying to someone’s story on Instagram can start up a flirty conversation, but not necessarily, they end up in meetups. If you want to bone up on a specific person, try replying to him/her at night as night conversations mostly stretch for longer hours. Sunday mornings can also be a great time to reply. The combo of a cosy bed and refreshing mood can do the magic for you.

Like their glowing pictures at the last

Wait for everyone to like your favourite person’s picture. When all of them are done with their likes and comments, it is the perfect time you blow the red heart button. By doing this your name will appear on the top of the liking list, your name will pop up separately in their notification bar and you will likely get noticed by her/him.

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How to flirt on Instagram

Tag them in memes

It may seem obvious but your meme-humor is naturally tied to your personality. Therefore, if you are confident about a humorous meme you have, take advantage of the meme. This would work best if you are already in a conversation. However, if your luck strikes, the meme game can incredibly work like a start-up. This way he/she will also come to know that you are hilarious and awesome.

Slide into the DMs

A simple following request would not indicate to someone that you are inclined towards him/her. A DM is needed to let them know about your intention. Maybe just a “Hi”, “How are you doing” and chances are there it would work. DM only when you both have mutual friends. If not, it will not hit hard. There are chances that a meme DM also has chances to work for you.

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Some tips on flirting on Instagram

If someone shows any kind of interest by showing some sign and you are interested too just start how to flirt on Instagram game and go with the flow. Here are few tips for how you can initiate flirting.

  • Keep up the like in every second or third photo in one sitting so that he/she gets to know that you aren’t obsessing over them for the entire day.
  • Be wise when it comes to leaving a comment. Send cute emojis but don’t comment on your info.
  • Like only his/her recent photos even if you go through her entire Instagram page. Liking a year-old photo of someone will let her/him know that you have peeped into their profile which may look more stocky or clingy.
  • Once you have managed to build a rapport via comments DM them and apply the text message rule.
  • Stop yourself if you do not respond. Stop liking, commenting, DM. Wait for a few weeks then unfollow if needed.
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Apart from the dating apps, today Instagram is the number one on the list where flirting takes place. Instagram gives you several ways to give hints to someone you are keen on. Initially, both of you can share interest by following the same page and get to know each other later. 

There are happy couples who have met through Instagram and they are equally happy like the couples who met offline. Knowing this much on how to flirt on Instagram if you have an interest in someone would be helpful.


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