Why Short Videos are the Future of YouTube?

Are you tired of watching long and boring videos on YouTube? Do you often skip through the video just to get to the point? You’re not alone! Short videos are taking over YouTube, and for good reason.


  • David Stressemann

    Meet David, the maestro of social media enchantment at Galaxy Marketing. With a keen eye for trends and a flair for strategic storytelling, David turns pixels into engagement gold. In the digital cosmos, he's the navigator steering brands to stellar success. 🚀✨ #GalaxyMarketingExpert

The Rise of Short Videos

Short videos have been gaining popularity in recent years, thanks to platforms like Instagram and TikTok. These platforms have shown that viewers are more engaged with short-form content that is easy to consume and share. As a result, YouTube has also started to focus on short videos, introducing a new feature called YouTube Shorts.

The Benefits of Short Videos

Short videos are not only more entertaining, but they also have a higher engagement rate. According to a study by Wistia, videos that are one minute or less have an average engagement rate of 80%, while videos that are between one and two minutes have an average engagement rate of 60%. This means that viewers are more likely to watch a short video all the way through and engage with the content.

The Ideal Length for a Short Video

So, what is the ideal length for a short video on YouTube? It depends on the platform and your target audience. Instagram and TikTok videos can be as short as 15 seconds, while YouTube short videos can be up to 60 seconds. However, studies have shown that the sweet spot for YouTube short videos is around 30 seconds. This is enough time to get your message across without losing the viewer’s attention.

How to Format a Short Video for YouTube

Now that you know the benefits of short videos, let’s talk about how to format a short video for YouTube. First, you’ll need to shoot your video in landscape mode. This will ensure that your video fills the entire screen and looks professional. Next, keep your video simple and to the point. You don’t want to overload your viewers with too much information. Finally, add captions to your video. This will make it more accessible to viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing and will also catch the attention of viewers who are scrolling through their feeds without sound.

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The Importance of a Catchy Title and Thumbnail

Your title and thumbnail are the first things that viewers will see when scrolling through their feeds. Make sure that your title is catchy and accurately reflects the content of your video. Your thumbnail should also be eye-catching and entice viewers to click on your video.

The Power of Hashtags

Hashtags are a powerful tool for reaching a wider audience on YouTube. Make sure to include relevant hashtags in your video description to increase your visibility. You can also create your own branded hashtag to encourage viewers to share your video on social media.

The Future of YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a new feature that allows creators to upload short videos directly to the YouTube app. This feature is currently in beta testing and only available in select countries, but it’s already making waves in the social media world. YouTube has even created a special section for Shorts on the app’s homepage, making it easier for viewers to discover new short-form content.

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In conclusion, short videos are the future of YouTube. They’re more engaging, easier to consume, and have a higher engagement rate. To format a short video for YouTube, shoot in landscape mode, keep it simple, and add captions. Don’t forget to create a catchy title and thumbnail and use hashtags to increase your visibility. And keep an eye out for the future of YouTube Shorts!

If you’re interested in learning more about social media marketing, contact us at Galaxy Marketing. We offer a range of services to help you grow your brand on social media.

Short videos are taking over YouTube, and it’s not surprising why. With shorter attention spans and the rise of mobile devices, viewers are demanding more bite-sized content that’s easy to watch and share. Short videos are not only more engaging, but they also have a higher engagement rate. According to a study by Wistia, videos that are one minute or less have an average engagement rate of 80%, while videos that are between one and two minutes have an average engagement rate of 60%. This means that viewers are more likely to watch a short video all the way through and engage with the content.

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In addition to higher engagement rates, short videos also have the potential to reach a wider audience. With YouTube Shorts, creators can upload short videos directly to the YouTube app, making it easier for viewers to discover new short-form content. YouTube has even created a special section for Shorts on the app’s homepage, further increasing visibility for creators.

But how do you create a successful short video for YouTube? It’s important to keep your video simple and to the point. Don’t overload your viewers with too much information. Instead, focus on one key message and deliver it in a creative and engaging way. Make sure to shoot your video in landscape mode to fill the entire screen and add captions to make your video more accessible to all viewers.

Your title and thumbnail are also crucial elements of a successful short video. Your title should be catchy and accurately reflect the content of your video. Your thumbnail should be eye-catching and entice viewers to click on your video. You can also use hashtags to increase your visibility on YouTube. Make sure to include relevant hashtags in your video description and create your own branded hashtag to encourage viewers to share your video on social media.

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In conclusion, short videos are the future of YouTube. They’re more engaging, easier to consume, and have a higher engagement rate. To create a successful short video, keep it simple and to the point, shoot in landscape mode, and add captions. Don’t forget to create a catchy title and thumbnail and use hashtags to increase your visibility. And keep an eye out for the future of YouTube Shorts! If you’re interested in learning more about social media marketing, contact us at Galaxy Marketing. We offer a range of services to help you grow your brand on social media.

short form video trends Master the Art of Short Videos on YouTube: Format Tips and Tricks!

What is a good like to view ratio on YouTube Shorts?

A video that has a like to view ratio of more than 2 or 3 percent should be considered acceptable. This was stated on November 1, 2022.

Why is YouTube Shorts zoomed in?

To correct the issue of zoomed-in YouTube Shorts, follow these steps: click on the profile photo in the top-right, access the ‘Settings’ menu, then choose ‘General’. Toggle the ‘Zoom to fill screen’ switch. Restart the program and check if the problem has been resolved.

how to contact youtube influencers Master the Art of Short Videos on YouTube: Format Tips and Tricks!

Why is my YouTube short not full screen?

Navigate to the “Settings” option in your device’s menu. From there, select “General” and toggle the button located next to “Zoom to fill screen” to enable it. This can improve the quality of your viewing experience.

Is it better to video vertical or horizontal?

Research suggests that vertical videos are more likely to be watched until the end compared to horizontal ones. Specifically, viewers are 9 times more likely to complete a vertical video.

Can I upload vertical video to YouTube Shorts?

When uploading shorts, choose a video with a square or vertical aspect ratio. If the video is up to 60 seconds long, a trim editor will appear. Adjust the start and end times by dragging the sides of the bar. Only what’s within the box will be displayed in the Short.

Why are my YouTube Shorts so blurry?

Blurry videos can be caused by various factors such as a slow or unreliable internet connection, poor quality camera, and video processing during the uploading process.


  • David Stressemann

    Meet David, the maestro of social media enchantment at Galaxy Marketing. With a keen eye for trends and a flair for strategic storytelling, David turns pixels into engagement gold. In the digital cosmos, he's the navigator steering brands to stellar success. 🚀✨ #GalaxyMarketingExpert